On Saturday, June 8th , we are excited to celebrate the classes of Fall 2023-2024, and Spring 2023-2024 at Debbieh Campus- The Stadium.

Visitors looking for parking should visit the following locations:

  • Next to the Gymnasium, facing the Faculty of Science
  • On-street parking available from the Gymnasium to the Faculty of Engineering

Please keep in mind that all parking is first-come/first-served from 4:30 p.m. in addition General Services staff will be on site for assistance.

Call the Student Activities Department:

  • Tel. 00961 1 300110 ext. 2634- 2635-2680
  • FOUR tickets available per candidate for the Commencement Ceremony.
  • We DO NOT SELL any extra tickets.
  • No replacement for lost tickets.

Yes, the ceremony will be live streamed on Beirut Arab University website.
Click here: BAU Commencement 2022

Graduated students shall pass by our ushers to buy the missing item.

Please wear comfortable and suitable shoes for the ceremony.

  • Women shall wear comfortable white, black, or off-white shoes with a maximum of 7 cm of heels.
  • Men must wear black shoes.
  • No lockers to keep.
  • Report with minimum stuff.

Meeting point: Near the Sports Hall where you can find volunteers from each Faculty for assistance and attendance verification.

The outdoor cafeteria next to the A1 building will be open for parents and guests during the ceremony.

  • Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to attend the ceremony.
  • Official IDs must be presented to confirm the age of the child.
  • Restrooms for graduating students will be in Gymnasium Hall, GF.
  • Restrooms for parents and guests are in the outdoor cafeteria, next A1 Building.

If you are unable to find an answer here, please contact us via whatsapp.

On Saturday, June 1st, we are excited to celebrate the classes of Fall 2023-2024, and Spring 2023-2024 at Tripoli Campus.

Visitors looking for parking should visit the following location.

  • Eastern gate on the way to Al-Mina.

Please keep in mind that all parking is first-come, first-served from 3:00 p.m. in addition General Services staff will be on site for assistance.

Gathering Point: Basement Hall Bet. Block E&F where you can find volunteers from each faculty.

  • Four tickets available per candidate for the Commencement Ceremony
  • We DO NOT SELL any extra tickets
  • No replacement for a lost tickets

Call the Student Activities Department:

  • Tel. 00961 6 218 400 ext. 4018-4027

Yes, the ceremony will be live streamed on Beirut Arab University website.
Click here: BAU Commencement 2022

Graduated students shall pass by our ushers to buy the missing item.

Please wear comfortable and suitable shoes for the ceremony.

  • Women shall wear comfortable white, black, or off-white shoes with a maximum of 7 cm of heels.
  • Men must wear black shoes.
  • No lockers to keep.
  • Report with minimum stuff.
  • Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to attend the ceremony.
  • Official IDs must be presented to confirm the age of the child.
  • Restrooms for graduating students will be in Block E&F
  • Restrooms for parents and guests are in Block B&F