Dear Graduates,

Warmest congratulations on your graduation!

All are kindly requested to carefully read the following guidelines concerning the logistics of the commencement ceremony.

Graduates who completed their graduation requirements in Fall 2023-2024 & Spring 2023-2024, please note that:

  • You can settle the commencement fees only after the concerned faculty issues an official list of the graduates’ names.
  • Dates of settlement of fees will be announced once the official lists are published by faculties. These dates will be available online on BAU website and BAU official social media networks.

Commencement Package:

  • Package Pickup: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 until Friday, June 7, 2024
  • Pickup Time: From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Receipt: Registration Office
  • Regalia Pickup: Student Activities Department
  • Deposit fees: $100
    • 50$ Refund is upon returning the regalia in good condition to the Student Activities Department starting Monday, July 1, 2024 until Friday, July 12, 2024, from 8:30 A.M. until 1:30 P.M.
    • Please keep your receipt, refunds will only be provided upon its presentation
    • No refund will be given after Friday, July 12, 2024
    • Payment Location : Cashier’s Office
  • Package Includes: 
    1. Receipt
    2. Graduation ID
    3. Four Invitation Cards
    4. Regalia (Cap,Gown,Hood)

Note:Beirut & Debbieh graduates can settle the commencement package fees in Beirut campus ONLY.

Detailed Steps:

  • 1


    Pick up your receipt from the Registration Office.

    Settle the commencement fees at the Cashier’s Office-Beirut Campus.

    You will receive a paid-stamped copy of the receipt.

  • 2

    Graduation ID

    Pick up your official graduation ID.

    You must present your ID on the commencement day.

  • 3

    Invitation Cards

    Count the invitation cards you get and sign your name confirming that you received yours.

    Keep your cards safe as you will not receive any due to loss or damage.

    Whether graduate or undergraduate, you will receive four cards only.

    You can’t buy extra tickets.

  • 4

    Academic Regalia

    Ushers will help you get your cap, gown & hood.

    Location: Student Activities Building - Beirut Campus

  • 5

    Ceremony Rehearsals

    Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024
    Place: The Stadium, Debbieh Campus
    Time: 5:30 p.m.
    Attendance is a must.

Certificates & Alumni ID Card:

During the commencement ceremony, empty certificate jackets will be distributed.

The official certificates and alumni ID card can be collected from The Student Services - Al Multaqa.

Check the website for the updated pickup schedule according to your major.

Commencement Day:

Date: Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ceremony Dress Code: 

  • All graduates (females/males) are required to put on the academic regalia (gown, cap, and hood).
  • No jewelry or accessories should be worn over the gown.
  • Females must wear a white dress (shorter than the gown) or black pants.
  • Females must wear comfortable white, black or nude shoes of maximum 7cm heels.
  • Veiled females must wear white veils. Any other veil color will disqualify the graduate from participation in the ceremony.
  • Males must wear a dark suit with a white shirt, a solid color necktie and black shoes.
  • Undergraduates’ tassel must be placed on the front right side, postgraduates on the front left side.

Academic March:

Gathering Place: Next to the Sports Hall-Debbieh Campus.

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Graduates who arrive after 5:30 p.m. will not be allowed to join the march.

Parents and Guests:

Parents and guests are allowed into the ceremony only by presenting the official invitation cards.

Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to attend the ceremony; official IDs must be presented to confirm the age of the child.

No food or beverages are allowed inside the ceremony zone.

Good luck on your new journey

Dear Graduates,

Warmest congratulations on your graduation!

All are kindly requested to carefully read the following guidelines concerning the logistics of the commencement ceremony.

Graduates who completed their graduation requirements in Fall 2023-2024 and Spring 2023-2024, please note that:

  • You can settle the commencement fees only after the concerned faculty issues an official list of the graduates’ names.
  • Dates of settlement of fees will be announced once the official lists are published by faculties. These dates will be available online on BAU website and BAU official social media networks.

Commencement Package:

  • Package Pickup: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 until Friday, May 31, 2024
  • Pickup Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Receipt: Registration Office
  • Regalia Pickup: Student Activities Department Block D-GF
  • Deposit fees: $100
    • 50$ Refund is upon returning the regalia in good condition to the Student Activities Department starting Monday, July 1, 2024 until Friday, July 12, 2024, from 8:30 A.M. until 1:30 P.M.
    • Please keep your receipt, refunds will only be provided upon its presentation
    • No refund will be given after Friday, July 12, 2024
    • Payment Location : Cashier’s Office
  • Package Includes: 
    1. Receipt
    2. Graduation ID
    3. Four Invitation Cards
    4. Regalia (Cap,Gown,Hood)

Detailed Steps:

  • 1


    Pick up your receipt and settle the commencement fees at the Registration Office
    You will receive a paid-stamped copy of the receipt.
  • 2

    Graduation ID

    Pick up your official graduation ID.
    You must present your ID on the commencement day.
  • 3

    Invitation Cards

    Count the invitation cards you get and sign your name confirming that you received yours.

    Keep your cards safe as you will not receive any due to loss or damage.

    Whether graduate or undergraduate, you will receive four cards only.

    You can’t buy extra tickets.

  • 4

    Academic Regalia

    Ushers will help you get your cap, gown & hood.

    Location: Student Activities Department- Block D - GF

  • 5

    Ceremony Rehearsals

    Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
    Place: Tripoli Campus
    Time: 5:00 p.m.
    Attendance is a must.

Certificates & Alumni ID Card:

During the commencement ceremony, empty certificate jackets will be distributed.

The official certificates and alumni ID card can be collected from the Admission and Registration Office.

Check the website for the updated pickup schedule according to your major.

Commencement Day:

Date: Saturday, June 1, 2024

Time of commencement starting: 5:30 pm

Gathering on Students arrival (attendance): Basement Hall Bet. Block E&F

Ceremony Dress Code: 

  • All graduates (females/males) are required to put on the academic regalia (gown, cap, and hood).
  • No jewellery or accessories should be worn over the gown.
  • Females must wear a white dress (shorter than the gown) or black pants.
  • Females must wear comfortable white, black or nude shoes of maximum 7cm heels.
  • Veiled females must wear white veils. Any other veil colour will disqualify the graduate from participation in the ceremony.
  • Males must wear a dark suit with a white shirt, a solid colour necktie and black shoes.
  • Undergraduates’ tassel must be placed on the front right side, postgraduates’ on the front left side.

Academic March:

Gathering Place: Next Block E

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Graduates who arrive after 5:30 p.m. will not be allowed to join the march

Parents and Guests:

Parents and guests are allowed into the ceremony only by presenting the official invitation cards.

Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to attend the ceremony; official IDs must be presented to confirm the age of the child.

No food or beverages are allowed inside the ceremony zone.

Good luck on your new journey